Aug 8, 2013


Since young, I’ve known that I am an introvert. I was never the noisy or the out-going one, although I can be if it was expected of me, but I can’t sustain it for long. I need a time-out, so to speak. Thus, when a friend shared this over in FB, I had to share it over in my own FB and here.

In this list of 27 problems only introverts will understand, I’m gonna pick a few and elaborate on them based on my own experience. 

No. 1: When you need to take breaks and recharge after socializing for too long.
Very true for me. I can’t stand socializing everyday. And I don’t like to ‘waste’ time gossiping/bitching or talking about negative things. I need a break from being what people expect of me. I like peace and quiet. And one reason why I don't really like to have friends over to my place. It's my private space.

No. 9: Too many social obligations + no alone time = a total grump
Very true for me. I need to hide/hibernate for a couple of days for some ‘me’ time before going back into civilization to attend to those social obligations. That is one reason why I can’t spend too much time with the same bunch of people without some alone time. Yes, that includes my family.

No. 15: That feeling of dread that washes over you when the phone rings and you’re not mentally prepared to chat.
VERY true. One huge reason why I prefer to use messaging over calling. I hate being interrupted. I don't like disruption to my plans for the day.  So next time, if you wanna hang out, message me at least a few days in advance. :P

No. 17: When you have an awesome night out, but have to deal with feeling exhausted for days after the fact.
Again, very true. I can go out and have a great night out with friends. But the morning after? Well, I’ll be dead tired, both mentally and physically. One huge reason why I prefer to hang out on Fridays or Saturdays so that I can recuperate on Sundays before the week starts again on Mondays.

No. 23: When people make you feel weird for wanting to do things by yourself.
Very true. People always looked at me like, “Are you serious?” or “Poor thing”, when I tell them I’ve traveled to many places alone or I like to visit museums on my own. Heck, I even go to the movies alone! I am used to dining alone too, although I will always bring a book with me. It is good to have company, at times, but I’m totally at ease doing things by myself.

Finally No. 27. Introverts are not mad or depressed or antisocial. I just need to not talk to anyone for a while. And that’s okay. I love not talking to anyone. Love not needing to talk. That’s one huge reason why I need a place of my own. I can, and love to hibernate in my room and not go out or talk to anyone. My record is one week, but I’m sure that I can go fairly long without any face-to-face human interaction.

Mmm.. maybe I should have a test of ‘hibernation’ before school starts in mid September, just to see how long I can be without any face-to-face interaction. :p

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